==                      Distribution BBSes - Europe                      ==


                          * AMIGA-NIGHT-SYSTEM *
          InterNet: luumu@fenix.fipnet.fi   FidoNet: 2:220/550.0
                          +358-0-675840  V.32bis

                               * LAHO BBS *
       +358-64-414 1516, V.32bis/HST   +358-64-414 0400, V.32bis/HST
          +358-64-414 6800, V.32/HST   +358-64-423 1300, V.32bis

                         * MOONLIGHT SONATA DLG *
                           Fidonet: 2:221/112.0
                     +358-18-161763 - ZyXEL V32b 19200


                        * RAMSES THE AMIGA FLYING *
     Internet: user.name@ramses.fdn.org     Fidonet: 2/320/104-105-106
              +33-1-45845623 V.34     +33-1-53791200 V.32bis


                           * DOOM OF DARKNESS *
                      Email: marc_doerre@doom.ping.de
                    +49 (0)4223 8355 19200 V.42bis/Zyx
          AR-Infoservice, contact Kai Szymanski kai@doom.ping.de

                         * LEGUANS BYTE CHANNEL *
                    Usenet: andreas@lbcmbx.in-berlin.de
                49-30-8110060   49-30-8122442   USR DS 16.8
                 Login as User: "amiga", Passwd: "report"

                              * REDEYE BBS *
                       Internet: sysop@redeye.muc.de
               +49-89-5460535 (V.32b, Zyxel EG + / USR V.34)

                          * STINGRAY  DATABASE *
                 EMail: sysop@sting-db.zer.sub.org.dbp.de
                          +49 208 496807 HST-Dual

                            * VISION THING BBS *
             Infect East German HQ, Keks ASCII Design World HQ
                          ++49(0)345 663914 19200
                          System Password: Amiga


                              * ODYSSEY BBS *
            email: konem@prometheus.hol.gr 2:410/128.17@fidonet
          +++ 301-412-3502 (ZyXEL 16.8K)   after 23:00 local time


                               * CUGI BBS *
                            Fidonet: 2:263/155
                          +353 1 837 0204 V32bis

                          * HIGHWAY TO HELL BBS *
                Fidonet 2:263/154   Internet: iblack@dit.ie
             Online from 22:00 - 08:00 GMT     +353-1-847 5217


                        * AMIGA PROFESSIONAL BBS *
                 Amy Professional Club, Italian Amos Club

                             * SPEED OF LIFE *
                 FidoNet 2:332/505     AmigaNet 39:102/501
               ZyX 19.2k/V32/V32bis/V42bis     +39-59-226454


                       * AMIGA ONLINE BS HEEMSTEDE *
   Fidonet: 2:280/464.0, 2:280/412.0   Internet: michiel@aobh.xs4all.nl
                +31-23-282002   +31-23-470739   14400 Supra

                             * THE HELL BBS *
           Fido-Net : 2:281/418.0   e-mail : root@hell.xs4all.nl
                     +31-(0)70-3468783 (v32bis Supra)

                              * X-TREME BBS *
                      Internet: u055231@vm.uci.kun.nl
                            +31-167064414 (24h)


                              * FALLING BBS *
                       EMail:  christon@powertech.no
                            +47 69 256117 28.8k


                               * CIUA BBS *
                FidoNet 2:361/9   Internet: denise.ci.ua.pt
                  +351-34-382080/382081 (V32bis soon V34)


                            * GURU MEDITATION *
                           Running Remote Access
                          +34-1-383-1317 V.32bis


                                * CICERON *
                        E-mail: peman@solace.mh.se
                               +46 612 22011


                          * LINKSYSTEM LINK-CH1 *
                   contact: rleemann@link-ch1.aworld.de
      +41 61 3215643 V32bis/Zyx16800     +41 61 3832007 ISDN X75/V110
                 Local newsgroup link-ch1.ml.amiga-report

                            -=UNITED KINGDOM=-

                           * AMIGA JUNCTION 9 *
        Internet: sysadmin@junct9.demon.co.uk     FidoNet: 2:440/20
                    +44 (0)372 271000 14400 V.32bis/HST

                             * CREATIONS BBS *
 E-Mail: mat@darkside.demon.co.uk   2:254/524@Fidonet   39:139/5@Amiganet
              +44-0181-665-9887 Hayes Optima 288 2400 - V.FC

                        * METNET TRIANGLE SYSTEM *
                           FidoNet: 2:252/129.0
           44-482-442251 2400     Voice: 44-482-491752 (anytime)

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